
Reddit waves nx
Reddit waves nx

reddit waves nx

But try it out, maybe you won’t mind the phasing so much. So I actually preferred to switch the head tracking feature off even though it is impressive. But it did create some weird phasing issues on the sound when moving around.

reddit waves nx

I found that it was cool using this head tracking feature, especially when you move your head around like 30–60 degrees and hear more coming out the one speaker than the other because your ear is perceived to be closer to that speaker. It creates a virtual sweet spot for you, and if you move around too much, you can easily reset this sweet spot to get the optimum mixing position in this virtual room. This is where this plugin shines-it uses Waves new advanced NX technology to replicate the sound of an actual room when you’re wearing your headphones. And because of this, what most often happens is that you over compensate on the mix elements like panning tracks too wide or applying too much reverb. This results in a sort of warped sense of the stereo image of the music you’re listening to on headphones. So what’s missing from headphones when you use them to mix is the natural depth of a room, and the natural reflections that occur. What NX does is it creates a virtual mix room for you when you’re using headphones. It works great, but there’s something extra that I really like with this plugin. So when I saw that Waves had released the NX plugin for mixing with headphones, I had to try it out. I know it’s not ideal, and I'd rather use studio monitors when possible, but I work a lot with headphones (to produce music when the baby sleeps, etc.), so anything that can improve this gets tested in my books. I’m constantly on the lookout for great tools to use for production when using headphones.

Reddit waves nx